Why website content is important

Lately, I’ve been working on a side project, where I am adding website content to an organizations site. Yet, it still amazes me how many websites are lacking great content or even basic content. Good content is what separates you website apart from your competitors and the many sites out there, and delivers the right message to your customers. Your website is your front door online. Granted, consumers are going to social media and checking your organization out, but then they are going to your website for further information. Ultimately, the content on your website is going to drive sales to your business. The content on your website needs to target your audience in a clear and concise way, and engage them to take action. They key to a successful website is having key-rich content throughout the site that tells your story and generates engagement and revenue for your business / organization.

Importance of Website Content

One of the main benefits of having good website content is that it will increase the number of people who will find your website through search engines, like google. Search engines love content. They love it even more, if it is frequently updated content. If you want people to see your site, you have to provide them with great content but also with something they want to see and read. Every additional page on your website is another entry point or landing page for customers to find. You probably have a limited number of product pages, but a blog is where you can add content of what people are looking for and tell you story.

SEO value of quality website content is enormous

For your website to be effective, your customers need to be able to find it. Like I stated above, search engines love content. Great content alone won’t be enough, your content needs to have keywords, inbound links, and other elements of search engine optimization to make your site more visible on Google and Bing. If you create content regularly, Google and Bing will crawl you site and will notice it more because there is regularly updated content. This is free traffic to your website, because it is organic search results. Your PPC won’t be driving this traffic to your website. SEO is king and quality content is what drives it.

Content can have a longer life span

Evergreen content is SEO content that is continually relevant and stays fresh over the course of time. Evergreen content is considered sustainable and has no expiration date. Any type of content on that is written about a topic that about a current event is not evergreen content because it will expire. It is good to have that type of content on your site, but it is good to have evergreen content that stays fresh on your site. This type of content will help you to continue to rank high in the google or bing searches. This type of content will bring content to your website for many months instead of just during a shorter time period.

Good website content that is useful to visitors, utilizes keywords, promotes visitor engagement, will build trust and give your and site the authority needed to provide staying power. High quality content is what will drive consumers to your website and keep them coming back.

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