Social Media Crisis Communication Tips in the Digital World

Crisis CommunicationBy now, everyone has seen the viral video of a passenger being taken off a United Airlines flight. What happened next is a text book example of how to do PR wrong. The United Airlines CEO’s inadequate response sparked even more outcry on social media. Now, I am not going to get into what they did wrong, but I am going to talk about why everyone organization, whether your a small business, tourism organization, or a large company, you need to have a social media crisis communication plan in place. It doesn’t matter how big your brand is anymore, social media gives us all the same opportunities to be creative, stretch our reach and engage with consumers from all over the world. if you’re prepared with the right crisis plan, a social media crisis can be transformed from a negative situation into yet another positive brand opportunity. Remember it takes 20 years to build a reputation and less than 5 minutes to destroy it. Your brand should be prepared for when a potential crisis occurs.

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