What Brands Can Learn From the MLB’s Social Media Strategy

MLB Social MediaBaseball is back! To quote lyrics from the Go Cubs Go song, ‘Baseball season’s underway, well you better get ready for a brand new day.’ With opening day today in Milwaukee, I want to take a look at what businesses can learn from MLB to correctly do social media. I am Brewers fan, so I am biased to their social media. First, I was happy for the Cubs that they won the World Series in 2016. It was cool to see the city so electric, was extremely awesome. I remember the Brewers playoff run in 2011, going to all the home games and feeling the city pounding beneath my foot. It’s what playoff baseball is all about and what baseball can do for a city.

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Why Start Healthy Digital Living Blog

Why start a blog called Healthy Digital Living? I had set-up a generic blog years ago, that I would randomly post things to. I concentrated so much on the brand and company that I was working for and didn’t really brand myself. In December 2015, I felt it was time that I started to get some of my thoughts and knowledge out of my head and on paper, as there was a lot going on in there and it would provide me with a place that I would lose or forget my thoughts. My wife was on a journey of weight loss and healthy eating and I kept hearing the questions that people were asking her about it. I kept telling her and myself, we should start a blog about it and educate people. But yet, I wanted someplace to share my marketing knowledge, from there Healthy Digital Living was born.  Read more