How your Content Strategy Can Help your Social Media and Traditional Marketing.

Creative-Content-Marketing-MechanicsI was recently asked if I would be a conversation starter for the Social Media Roundtable discussion at the PR Council of Lake County meeting this upcoming Thursday. I use to be the chair of this amazing group of people, so it is always a privilege to share my knowledge with the group and learn what they are working on and how we can help each other. Anytime I start a topic on Social Media, marketing, blogging, etc, I always start by asking, who in attendance has a Content Strategy.

When I ask this question, I get a good feel for the attendees knowledge and expertise level, but I usually receive a 50/50 response to sometimes 3/4 of the audience saying they have one. Which is good but is it working with their social strategy is the next thing that is on my mind. Read more

Instagram Now Allows Portrait and Landscape Imagery

In a somewhat surprising move today, Instagram has allowed users to not only share photos in square posts but they can now share posts in both portrait and landscape orientation. My first thought was “No, don’t change the uniqueness of the platform’, but after scrolling through my Instagram feed several times, I feel that this will be a win for the users as they are not just constrained to the square format. Plus, think about why you view Instagram. I go to see beautiful images of this amazing world that we live in and now not only will I be able to see a small portion of a ballpark like Yankee Stadium but a panoramic view of it, which is even better.

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A Behind the Scenes look at the Visit Lake County Song Search

You are only as good as your last month, or in this case your last year. A year ago, I was thinking of was to generate and create more awareness before our summer season and I got it stuck in my head that I could pull off a lip dup. At the time, it was probably my favorite this to work on. We created a music video tailored to Lake County, Illinois to the song, Best Day of My life by American Authors –

Visit Lake County Song Search
Dylan Kroll and friends around a bonfire filming a scene for the music video.

Flash forward a year, well I definitely out did myself and launched a “music video that has gone viral with 74,000 views on Facebook and YouTube”, according to Bill Geist. Well, it was not as easy as that. It started out like any other passing water cooler talk in the office, “What are you going to do now to top Best Day?” I did not know at the time and wasn’t sure how to take that concept to the next step. I attended eTourism Summit last October and decided to sit in a music video session.  Speakers from other destination spoke about what they did and how they used music to sell their destination. I took notes and wrote down some ideas that came to me. When I returned to the office, I told my boss I came up with idea to top ‘Best Day’, that included a way to generate website views during out off-season and increase the music section on our website. The idea sat with my until January, I then talked to my boss again, and this time I had the while idea flushed out. Granted there were some obstacles and hurdles along the way, otherwise, I thought it was a great idea.  Read more

Facebook Organic Reach still Achievable

If my memory serves me correctly, in roughly the spring of 2014 Facebook changed their algorithm. Well, they change their algorithm it seems like once a quarter, so last spring is what I am going with. As we have all witnessed and read, Facebook’s algorithm chnaged drastically that only 1 – 2% of your brand’s likes will see your posts. In this Blog post, I am going to discuss on the Facebook Organic Reach is still attainable and how one of my brand’s posts did it.

I believe that if you build the right Facebook audience you can achieve more than the 2% organic reach. The right audience is key. Remember, what works for me may not work for you and your brand. Facebook has good analytics, so be sure to utilize those and they will help you with feature postings. On our page we currently have 29,700 likes, which isn’t a whole lot when compared to the bigger brands. Each day, I try to reach 2,000+ people organically with our posts. If my math is correct, that is about 8% of our total likes. Not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.

bulldogsI started out the first week of December with this post about a Lake County restaurant being featured as 1 of the 17 best burgers in Enjoy Illinois by Thrillist. I knew going in, that these types of posts typically do well. I was expecting this post to organically reach anywhere between 5 – 6k people. I did not expect it to hit 13,400 organically, with 148 likes, 10 comments and 113 shares. People like food, they love trying new places to it if the restaurant is highly rated, so overall, this was a solid post from the start. I made sure to tag our local restaurant, the state of Illinois Tourism, Enjoy Illinois and put the link in the status. I also made sure the photo showed up as a link as well, so people could click on the link in the status or the picture to be taken to the article. People then started tagging other people in the comments.

The next day, I thought I could have a high organic reach day again with a post about Ravinia Festival announcing it’s first performance of next summer of Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. In the past Ravinia posts have a done ok, nothing to write home about. The post did not do as well as I thought it would have.

holidaytrainThen came Wednesday. From my website Google Analytics and my Social Media stats I know that Wednesday starts the include of people looking at our site and researching things to do for the upcoming weekend. That upcoming weekend, there was the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train coming through the area. I was excited about it personally because my 2 1/2 year old son is into trains and we had went the previous year. With this event being on a Sunday, I knew it would attract a good crowd. So I found an engaging picture of the holiday train and a made a post that tagged the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train page, the Gurnee Park District page where the train would be arriving and put a link in the status to the event description on our website. What then happened, was something that I never imaged would happen for me. 212 likes, 36 comments, 347 shares and 23,912 people reached organically. The posts reach kept growing each day through Sunday. People where tagging people in the comments and the shares continued to rise. I had hit a sweet spot with this post with my Facebook audience.

The next step now is to look at the analytics, see why this post did so well, figure out what my audience wants and try to recreate it. I am a digital marketer for a family tourism destination, so my audience wants unique family events. Things that you can not do every day and something the entire family can enjoy.

What I have realized is that this type of reach is achievable no matter the size of you Facebook page, as long as you have the right audience. Also, lucky for me, I do have some Social Media Ambassadors who do consistently like and share my posts, so that did with this specific one. By giving your audience the right content that they are looking for and properly timing the information, a post can successfully reach a large amount of people organically.

Lake County Social Media Marketing Event #LCSN

I have not been good at keeping this going but I thought with all of the buzz from my Social Media Networking event this past Thursday, there is no better time than the present to give this another try. As, some of you already know, I am the Marketing Manager at Visit Lake County, and I handle everything from Advertising, Website development, Public Relations, Marketing, Technology and Social, so all thoughts expressed here are my own and not representative of Visit Lake County in any way.

Urban Edge in Downtown Waukegan by Casey Karl
Urban Edge in Downtown Waukegan by Casey Karl

This past Thursday, I held a Social Media Networking event at Urban Edge in Downtown Waukegan and it was a HUGE success!! People are still buzzing about it a couple days later. This all started a few months ago when I was looking around on my brand’s Facebook page at what the community was posting and talking about. I quickly realized that there was a lack of knowledge with small businesses within the community with what to post on Facebook. So, I pitched an idea to my boss about Visit Lake County getting behind a Social Networking Event, where we would educate our partners, bring in area small businesses and the former Lake County Social Networking Group. Once she was on board, I set out to locate the venue, and I immediately thought of no better place than Urban Edge in Downtown Waukegan. They built their gallery and ArtWauk on Social Media, plus Waukegan has a very vibrant community that I could tap into. The next step was the easy one….finding panelists/speakers. I went to my contacts in the Lake County Social Networking community and targeted 4 of the top Social Media enthusiasts that I know and who brings a following with them. They were (in no specific order), Casey Karl, Eddie Soto, Heather Acton and Beth Rosen (unfortunately Beth was out of the country and could not attend but was on board with what I was trying to do). It was a resounding “YES, Anthony, what do you need me to do. Thank you for spearheading this!” I started to feel the excitement and saw some buzz happening online before the event.

Social Media Marketing panelists, from left to right, Casey Karl, Heather Acton, Anthony Haag, Eddie Soto
Social Media Marketing panelists, from left to right, Casey Karl, Heather Acton, Anthony Haag, Eddie Soto

We decided the first session would be solely about the Social Network “Facebook” and how small businesses can utilize the network to promote their business. It was pretty easy to decided the format of the event, as Tim McDonald (now with the Huffington Post and living in the Big Apple, New York) did a create job with Lake County Social Networking #LCSN when he was in Lake County. I did touch base with Tim during the planning stages to get his thoughts. I learn something new every time I chat with Tim. For me, when Tim speaks, I say nothing and immediately turn into a sponge as I want to soak up everything he has to say. He is literally one of the best community managers that I know!! I was not trying to recreate what Tim did or duplicate it, I just wanted to bring the band back together so to speak. Talking with the speakers, I decided there would be no powerpoint presentations, just the 3 Social Media Enthusiasts (do not like to use the words Social Media Experts, no such thing, just people who know more than the average bear) and myself sitting on a couch talking about Facebook with interaction from the audience, similar to a talk show format. I did my best Maury interpretation.

Social Media Networking Event
Social Media Networking Event

I started it off with, “Is Facebook still King of the Social World?” The answer for all 4 us was a resounding “Yes”, but don’t put all your eggs in the Facebook basket. Yes, brand reach is down but the people are still there and they will find you with great content. Content is still KING!! Facebook is just part of the your arsenal that should include, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube. We then continued on to talking about ROI and how you should have Social Media goals for each platform first and than ROI. We then answered audience questions that ranged from very basic, “How do I set up a Facebook page?” to more sophisticated, “Where is Facebook heading and how do quantify it?”. We also gave one tip for small businesses managing their own Social Media, and that is to, Listen! Listen to what people are talking about on the networks and what your audience wants and then deliver.

Panelists, Casey Karl, Heather Action, Eddie Soto, Anthony Haag and Urban Edge's David Motley. Photo by Alex Maegdlin
Panelists, Casey Karl, Heather Action, Eddie Soto, Anthony Haag and Urban Edge’s David Motley. Photo by Alex Maegdlin

Overall, 54 people were in attendance in the first installment of the second coming of Lake County Social Networking events. What lies ahead with the idea? Well, as soon as the event ended attendees were asking when the next one would be. After initially talking with a few folks, I am thinking having the Social Media Networking events once a quarter, but we shall see. If you attended the event what did you think about? What are your thoughts on Facebook? Do you think it is still the Social Media king?

The crowd at Urban Edge to Lake County Social Media Event. Photo by Urban Edge
The crowd at Urban Edge to Lake County Social Media Event. Photo by Urban Edge

Does your company have a Social Media Strategy in place?

I was honored to speak a few weeks back, at a Chamber of Commerce event on Social Media Marketing. The audience was small business owners and marketing and public relations professionals looking at incorporating Social Media into their marketing plans. What I found interesting was how many people were using Facebook and Twitter, but they were not tracking their online activity or did not have a Social Media strategy incorporated in their marketing plan.

The first thing that I tell business owners and marketing professionals is to make sure they have their Facebook page set-up as a business page and not as a personnel page. I still still a lot of business who have it set-up improperly and it is a pet peeve of mine. I cringe every time I see a person become friends with a business on Facebook instead of “liking” them.

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