5 Reasons Why You Need a Content Marketing Strategy

Your marketing plan needs to include a content marketing strategy. The days of just posting on Social Media are over, as are the days of just refreshing your website. Whether you are a destination marketing organization (also known as a CVB (convention and visitors bureau)) or a small business, it is critical to generate content on your site. Success is having a plan behind what you publish and the right team, and brand advocates, to execute the plan.

What I have noticed in the tourism world, is that many destination marketing organizations do not have a blog where they are generating content or enough content on their website. Basically, their websites look like a phone book directory, with the name of their partner business name, address, phone number and a brief description. Tell the consumer more instead of listing all of your restaurants. What makes your dining different than my hometown? What is your area famous for? What your popular local restaurant?Also, instead of making the consumer sort through all of your restaurants, separate them out into different types of food categories, to make it easier for them to find what they are looking for. If you are a small business, tell your story. What makes you the best xyz in your industry, tell me a little bit more about you, show me when upcoming events are happening at your business. Basically, you want to keep the consumer coming back to your website. Here are several reasons why you need a content strategy for your business.

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Importance of Twitter for Brands

twitterWhen I first joined Twitter back in 2007, it was a different time. Twitter was in it’s infancy, ad agencies didn’t see the value, but us marketers did. It was a way for people to connect with people, learn from others who they may never have met and interact with brands. It was a place where the early adapters would have conversations with brands, reporters other folks in their industry, etc. I have met some amazing, awesome, smart people on Twitter that I still connect with today.

Today, over one billion Tweets are sent every three days. It is a different time. There are more people on the platform than ever before. More people are engaging with hashtags, brands, sporting events, etc. It is a place where live marketing can happen in a moment, hence the Oreo lights out ad (You can still dunk in the dark), when the power when out during the Super Bowl a few years ago.  Read more

Why Email Marketing is Crucial to your Marketing Strategy

email_marketingIt’s that time of year. When marketers send out e-newsletters in droves, announcing Black Friday deals, store hours, when Santa will be at their location, flights to get home for the holidays, etc. My inbox gets filled up more this time of year, than any other time. The holiday season is upon us.

E-mail marketing should be one of the pillars of your content marketing strategy. Social Media is great to mention your Black Friday deals, holiday items, etc, but as a marketer I like to think of Facebook and Twitter, etc, as rented platforms. Everybody’s favorite past time is complaining about the changes that Facebook makes to it’s platform, how brands are not getting the organic reach as they have in the past, etc. Technology changes fast and there are new social media platforms coming out just as fast; that consumers are flocking too. Everyone is always trying to be on the next great thing. These platforms can go away at any moment and everything you have built will be gone. Don’t get me wrong, social media is an extremely important component to your marketing strategy.  Read more

Why Creating A Video To Go Viral Shouldn’t Be The Goal

VLC Music VideoViral Videos. They happen all the time but one simply does not go viral. Believe it or not, I hear, ‘we have a video coming out tomorrow, can you share it because we want it to go viral’. I do not laugh or shake my head, it is the new normal and they just may be taking orders from the higher ups. How can you blame them for wanting eyes on their video? Everyone wants that when they publish a it to Facebook or YouTube.

I believe that many videos that go viral, do so because of timing, current events and luck. With that said, the goal should never be to go viral. Too many marketers and brands go for the Hail Mary, rather than utilizing Google Analytics and social insights to drive more engagement. Usually, the video that is launched is not backed with the appropriate content strategy or fits within the current strategy. Brands, marketers and upper management are obsessed with the big view video that ultimately has a short lifespan.  Read more

My Periscope Perspective and Tips

wersm-twitter-buys-periscope-video-streaming-app-657x360When new technology comes out or becomes hot, I like to test it personally and then figure out how it can be used for the brand. I think of what I would do with it to promote the brand, how it will benefit the brand and do we have time to incorporate it and do it well instead of just doing it because everyone else is doing it. If this is another social network, I think about how it will be incorporated in our strategy and how we will get people to follow us on this new network and be relevant.

Recently, for the first time, I decided to add Periscope to our wheelhouse and do some live videos when we are out filming creating our YouTube videos for Visit Lake County. The first video I did was 2 weeks ago, and it was on Six Flags Great America making their announcement of a new coaster coming in 2016. I figured this was a pretty easy and I could potentially have a decent attendance, especially with some coaster enthusiasts. As it turned out, I was quite surprised with how it went and the amount of people who were watching us live and interacting us. Read more

How your Content Strategy Can Help your Social Media and Traditional Marketing.

Creative-Content-Marketing-MechanicsI was recently asked if I would be a conversation starter for the Social Media Roundtable discussion at the PR Council of Lake County meeting this upcoming Thursday. I use to be the chair of this amazing group of people, so it is always a privilege to share my knowledge with the group and learn what they are working on and how we can help each other. Anytime I start a topic on Social Media, marketing, blogging, etc, I always start by asking, who in attendance has a Content Strategy.

When I ask this question, I get a good feel for the attendees knowledge and expertise level, but I usually receive a 50/50 response to sometimes 3/4 of the audience saying they have one. Which is good but is it working with their social strategy is the next thing that is on my mind. Read more