Difference between SEO and SEM

Difference between SEO and SEMSearch engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) can be a difficult concept to grasp. In short, SEO is about increasing the amount of website visits by getting your website to appear on the 1st page of the search results returned by the search engine (Google or Bing). While SEM is internet marketing that increases your website’s visibility through advertising on Google or Bing. There is a difference between the two and it is important to understand that difference. In this blog post, I will explain the difference of each and how they can help your website results.

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The Difference Between Content and Content Marketing

Content and Content MarketingWith every business from private to public to non-profit, including tourism organizations, producing more content today than they did last year, it is important for marketers to understand the difference between content and content marketing. Everyone is creating content. But with content marketing, you’re attracting an audience to a brand-owned destination versus interrupting an audience on another platform. Many businesses are creating content that supports the brand or products they sell, not because it meets the customers need. The problem with most of this content is that it isn’t created for the audience you are trying to reach, engage and convert. Stop creating content that sells. Stop creating campaigns that have a short shelf life. Start creating content that is helpful and lasts more than your traditional campaigns. Create evergreen content that can be used over time.

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Social Media Crisis Communication Tips in the Digital World

Crisis CommunicationBy now, everyone has seen the viral video of a passenger being taken off a United Airlines flight. What happened next is a text book example of how to do PR wrong. The United Airlines CEO’s inadequate response sparked even more outcry on social media. Now, I am not going to get into what they did wrong, but I am going to talk about why everyone organization, whether your a small business, tourism organization, or a large company, you need to have a social media crisis communication plan in place. It doesn’t matter how big your brand is anymore, social media gives us all the same opportunities to be creative, stretch our reach and engage with consumers from all over the world. if you’re prepared with the right crisis plan, a social media crisis can be transformed from a negative situation into yet another positive brand opportunity. Remember it takes 20 years to build a reputation and less than 5 minutes to destroy it. Your brand should be prepared for when a potential crisis occurs.

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5 Tips For A Better Business Blog

business blogBlogging is one of the most valuable tools that businesses have to engage with their present and future customers. There are many benefits for businesses / organizations to be blogging, especially if you are a tourism organization. When I create a content marketing strategy, blogging is one of the pillars of that strategy. It provides content for us to post on our social media channels, in our newsletters, provides content on our site that helps increase our organic search, and keeps consumers coming back. It is of my opinion that organizations should publish a blog at least once a week, but realistically, I had our tourism organization publishing a blog 3 times a week. Which had a huge impact on our social media marketing, website stats and SEO. There are many reasons why blogging is beneficial for your business.

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Key Strategies to Increase Your Destinations Music Tourism

Music TourismWhen I started in the tourism industry 10 years ago, at the first conference that I attended, I heard Bill Geist talk about music tourism. Throughout my years in the industry, I heard him talk about this topic numerous times. Music is a powerful means of connecting people. It bridges linguistic and cultural divides, and is a vehicle for identity and expression like no other. As a tourism marketer this seemed to resonate with me. I started to think about my own experiences with music and how it affected me when I work conferences. It really came to light when I attended a conference in Indianapolis and at night a lot of the attendees where at a dauling piano bar with a ton a locals on Thursday night, and the place was packed. It is widely known that music and travel go hand in hand with each other.

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Important Google Analytics Metrics to Track

Google Analytics“Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed.,” – Dan Zarrella, Hubspot. We all have heard that phrase, but in today’s marketing world, it’s all about data and targeting the right audience. All marketers know that Google Analytics provides an enormous amount of data, but it’s also extremely easy to get lost in there for hours. Today’s marketer is wearing 20 different hats, and may not have time to sit and analyze all of the data. Sometimes you just need the most important metrics. Without measurement, marketing is a guessing game. The content you are creating can be tailored to niche audiences just by looking at your analytics. Your overall marketing strategy will improve by developing and adapting it per your analytics.

Important Google Analytics Metrics to Track

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